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Shadow resources minister says government regulation reducing investment certainty in critical minerals

Aug 27, 2023Aug 27, 2023

Government regulation of critical minerals projects is undermining investment certainty and slowing down new mining projects, according to shadow resources minister Susan McDonald.

Senator McDonald visited the Goldfields on Wednesday and toured some of the region’s largest mining projects with Member for O’Connor Rick Wilson.

The duo travelled to Liontown’s Kathleen Valley lithium project north of Leinster before visiting Lynas Rare Earth’s critical minerals processing plant on the outskirts of Kalgoorlie-Boulder, and later toured KCGM’s Super Pit.

Ms McDonald said the visit enabled her to discuss the major challenges faced by mining companies operating in the Goldfields.

She said her WA visit highlighted that the Federal Government’s “layering of regulation” was making it more difficult for critical minerals projects to go ahead.

“The Federal Government has undermined investment certainty in this country over the last 12 months,” Ms McDonald said.

“…(the Albanese Government have) embarked on a process of talking only about the Voice (to Parliament referendum) and not providing the sort of investments that allow critical minerals projects to have investment certainty from countries right around the world.

“We’re in a very competitive environment, we have a huge demand, particularly for critical minerals.”

Ms McDonald said appropriate government regulation allowed mining companies to “take big risks” and “get on with the job” of mining critical resources.

“Critical minerals are a critical part of the future of mining but it can only (happen) . . . when governments get out of the way (and) provide appropriate regulation and appropriate standards,” she said.

Ms McDonald said Liontown had faced challenges with government regulations when constructing the Kathleen Valley processing plant.

“There is a demand for lithium . . . from around the world, and they are preparing to be one of the suppliers for this important resource,” she said.

“They (Liontown) have had challenges with regulation, by the State (government) primarily.

“I’m here to listen, to understand, what (are) the specific challenges of these businesses but also to understand how best we can provide regulatory environments for more investment in this country, to allow us to bring projects to market sooner.”

Ms McDonald said WA Labor’s opposition to uranium mining was a wasted opportunity for the Goldfields, which contained untapped uranium deposits.

“It seems a terrific waste of a terrific resource when we have a big demand (for uranium) around the world,” she said.

“We have new nuclear reactors, small modular reactors and others being examined offshore.

“The coalition believes that . . . nuclear power should be on the table as one of the options (to supply power) in this country.

“It has zero emissions, a baseload stable power supply so (it is) something that we should absolutely be considering.”

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